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"PM Narendra Modi Submits Nomination for Varanasi: Coalition Heavyweights Rally Support"

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a stalwart figure in Indian politics, embarks on the significant journey of submitting his nomination papers for the Varanasi constituency, marking his third consecutive bid for the seat. This event not only underscores his steadfast commitment to public service but also serves as a pivotal moment in the political landscape of the nation.

Accompanying him are heavyweight leaders from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its alliance partners, a testament to the unified strength and support behind his candidacy. Among them are the esteemed figures of BJP party chief JP Nadda, known for his astute leadership and strategic vision, Home Minister Amit Shah, a formidable force in governance and administration, and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, a seasoned statesman renowned for his integrity and dedication.

Furthermore, the presence of Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma highlights the pan-Indian appeal and reach of PM Modi's leadership, transcending regional boundaries and fostering collaboration among diverse states.

As PM Modi steps forward to file his nomination, he carries with him not only the hopes and aspirations of the people of Varanasi but also the collective aspirations of millions across the nation who look to him for visionary leadership and transformative change. His candidacy symbolizes continuity, stability, and progress, embodying the essence of democracy and the power of popular mandate.

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