Debojit Das, an accomplished young cricketer from Silchar, Tarapur, has been chosen to play for the Assam (Under-16) cricket team during an upcoming tour to Bangladesh. The Assam Cricket Association (ACA) is hosting the tour to offer aspiring cricketers like Debojit invaluable experience and exposure.
Debojit began his cricket journey at KV ONGC Srikona, showing a passion for the sport from a young age. He has represented his district three times at the under-14 and under-16 levels, demonstrating his talent and consistency. His impressive performances caught the attention of selectors and led to his selection for the state camp. Debojit's hard work and commitment have earned him a place in the Assam Under-16 team for the Bangladesh tour. His family, particularly his brother, is thrilled and proud to see Debojit's cricket career progress to new milestones.